Somatic Awareness & Pain Reprocessing

These principles are part of our trauma-informed approach and help people connect to their inner world and feelings. When people experience trauma they disconnect from their felt/experiencial world in an effort to protect themselves from pain that was beyond their control.

Using somatic awareness guidance, we can reconnect to our feelings and sensations in a comfortable, guided approach. We need to feel to be able to connect to ourselves and internally discern what works for us and what doesn’t. In other words, if we cannot fully feel, then we cannot fully meet our needs.

Those who can’t feel unpleasant feelings also cannot feel pleasant feelings. In essence, what helps protect us from pain also deprives us of pleasure. The path to Life Is Wonderful is to feel, ideally as fully as possible.

At WeHeal we help people understand why they developed the protective behaviors that they did as well as learn new strategies and skills to not just cope but actually process and integrate their pain. The effect is a re-connection to self, the people around you, and a world where Life Is Wonderful can be a reality.

Somatic Awareness & Pain Reprocessing

These principles are part of our trauma-informed approach and help people connect to their inner world and feelings. When people experience trauma they disconnect from their felt/experiencial world in an effort to protect themselves from pain that was beyond their control.

Using somatic awareness guidance, we can reconnect to our feelings and sensations in a comfortable, guided approach. We need to feel to be able to connect to ourselves and internally discern what works for us and what doesn’t. In other words, if we cannot fully feel, then we cannot fully meet our needs.

Those who can’t feel unpleasant feelings also cannot feel pleasant feelings. In essence, what helps protect us from pain also deprives us of pleasure. The path to Life Is Wonderful is to feel, ideally as fully as possible.

At WeHeal we help people understand why they developed the protective behaviors that they did as well as learn new strategies and skills to not just cope but actually process and integrate their pain. The effect is a re-connection to self, the people around you, and a world where Life Is Wonderful can be a reality.