Sharing Feelings & Needs with family
The first step of being able to share your feelings and needs with the people you care about is to actually know what your feelings and needs are. Many people, especially women and mothers have learned,...
Family, Health & Compassionate Communication
When it comes to family of origin (think people who share your genes) or family of choice (think people who borrow your jeans) there are often a few, or more, things you think are better...
Practical Spirituality
The daily grind often immerses us in our own microcosm and we forget that there is a bigger world out there. This siloed perspective leaves us feeling alienated, isolated, and often sad and scared. It...
Identifying our meaning & purpose
Identifying our meaning and purpose lies at the core of all that we do. It helps us make sense of our experiences and the world around us by answering the question, “why are we here?”...
Natural energy without caffeine
No caffeine?! I know that may sound insane. But I am here to tell you it is possible. If you’re unable to get your body going, “can’t think straight” without your java, or wake up...
Creativity is as important as eating and sleeping
What are your creative outlets? And when was the last time you spent time creating? Perhaps it’s painting, making jewelry, building, or modeling clay. Or maybe you enjoy making music, like singing or playing an...
This New Year Choose Solutions over Resolutions
It’s that time of year again. The indulgence of the holidays is behind us, yet the aftermath lingers. Many of us may notice the added weight, whether physically or as post-celebration blues. Often that translates...
2023: Your year of wonderful
Does this sound familiar – getting up feeling tired and itching for the coffee that will get you through the morning; barely having time for breakfast before heading off to work, taking the kids to...
Meaning, purpose & satisfaction at work
“C’mon, is this some sort of pipe dream? Meaning and purpose from my work, are you kidding me? I work at a job making minimum wage! I do that for 8 hours a day, 5...
- 01.02.23
Natural energy without caffeine
If you’re unable to get your body going, “can’t think straight” without your java, or wake up grumpy until that first cuppa joe or… - 12.13.22
How to sleep better
In our modern age, with life’s demands and constant stimulation, it’s unrealistic for most of us to get right into bed and fall into… - 10.02.22
Sleep and anxiety: a special relationship.
Can Lack Of Sleep Cause Anxiety? And Can Anxiety Cause Lack of Sleep?…
- 12.13.22
Eating without dieting
Enjoy the food, and enjoy the journey.… - 12.13.22
Plant-based food that’s delicious and nutritious
Plant slant or plant based, there’s a world of amazing food waiting for you.… - 11.05.22
Vegan vs plant-based
In the last few years,“vegan” and “plant-based” have popped up on menus and food labels worldwide… - 10.04.22
Wanna switch to a whole food plant-based diet? Create new habits!
Starting a whole foods plant based diet just means forming a few new habits.… - 10.02.22
Eating mangoes with my ancestors
Tito Loly thought I was “too American” – until he saw me cut a mango.…
- 12.13.22
Movement is exercise
Just remember, exercise is one strategy for moving our bodies. There are unlimited ways to become more active!… - 11.07.22
What if physical activity were easier?
If you are like millions of Americans, you probably believe exercise only counts if you go to the gym or have some structured exercise… - 11.07.22
Move because you love it
Move often, without a rigid structure, and focus on enjoying yourself…
- 01.02.23
Creativity is as important as eating and sleeping
What would it feel like to unplug, tap into creativity and imagination, and laugh and enjoy?… - 12.13.22
Play is as important as food and sleep
What most of us don’t realize, is play is as essential as food, water, sleep, and sex. It’s a biological drive that plays a… - 12.13.22
Grown-ups Can Play
As adults, we can always reach for that feeling we had as kids when we were uninhibited and completely immersed in play.…
the self
- 01.03.23
Identifying our meaning & purpose
Whether it lives in our consciousness or remains subconsciously hidden, we all desire meaning and purpose in our lives.… - 01.02.23
Creativity is as important as eating and sleeping
What would it feel like to unplug, tap into creativity and imagination, and laugh and enjoy?… - 01.01.23
This new year choose solutions over resolutions
Through our programs you will not only know what to do but learn the tools and skills to actually make your knowledge a reality.… - 01.01.23
2023: your year of wonderful
There is no better time than right now to find your Life Is Wonderful.… - 12.13.22
Showing up authentically
I felt alienated from my family, singled out and alone in my pain. It was a scary and sad place to be, and I… - 12.12.22
Comfortable In our own skin
Whatever being comfortable in our own skin may mean for each of us, the path toward inner freedom and a sense of security starts…
family & friends
- 01.03.23
Sharing Feelings & Needs with family
The first step of being able to share your feelings and needs with the people you care about is to actually know what your… - 01.03.23
Family, Health & Compassionate Communication
disconnection with others, especially people you care about, also stimulates a sense of fear and danger that results in the same chronic inflammation and… - 12.13.22
Showing up authentically
I felt alienated from my family, singled out and alone in my pain. It was a scary and sad place to be, and I… - 10.04.22
Making room for what truly matters to you
Your time is your most precious asset. Treat it accordingly.… - 10.02.22
Eating mangoes with my ancestors
Tito Loly thought I was “too American” – until he saw me cut a mango.…
- 12.29.22
Meaning, purpose & satisfaction at work
Authentic human connection creates a sense of purpose and meaning.… - 12.29.22
How To avoid artificial harmony and cultivate authenticity
…employing warm boundaries and compassionate authenticity is one of the most powerful ways we know to cultivate a sense of camaraderie, care, collaboration, cohesion,… - 12.23.22
Work: Connect before you strategize
When you are at work, would you enjoy being able to tell your boss, or a coworker, that something doesn’t work for you and…
- 12.13.22
Connecting in nature
sometimes we just long for some peace and quiet – a space to withdraw from the ruckus, to rest and relax.… - 12.13.22
Let Nature Sooth Your Soul
the next time you are wishing to release the stress of the day, look at your opportunities to experience the natural world… - 12.12.22
Rediscovering the natural world
It doesn’t take much more than some time in the natural world to shift your state from fight-or flight to calm.…