2023: Your year of wonderful

Does this sound familiar – getting up feeling tired and itching for the coffee that will get you through the morning; barely having time for breakfast before heading off to work, taking the kids to school, or both; spending 8 or more hours at work relying on more coffee, caffeine, or junk food to get us through the day; picking up the kids, walking the dog, or both; making dinner, washing dishes, and preparing for tomorrow; getting ready for bed and going to sleep – only to begin the SAME ROUTINE ALL OVER AGAIN THE NEXT DAY!

If any, or all of it, sounds familiar then no wonder Life Is Wonderful is impossible to imagine. It seems so far-fetched from reality, the gap being just too big. We are exhausted, depleted, and burnt out. The balance is tipped so heavily toward just surviving, there is absolutely no room for thriving. And the worst part is, no matter how much effort we make, we continue traveling down the rabbit hole rather than climbing up.

Daily fight Or flight

Physiologically what happens in this state is we go into a fight or flight response. This is our innate programming to deal with danger or threat. Over time it becomes ongoing stress that at best is uncomfortable and at worst leads to illness and chronic disease. Psychologically we develop a scarcity mentality where the perceived threat is a fear around not having enough. Danger is signaled and our answer is to acquire as much as possible – wealth, status, a bigger house, a better car, etc. The more we have, the safer we feel. In a survival mentality built on scarcity, we pull away from others because resources are limited, the more we have, the less someone else has and vice versa. Competition and comparison ensue, and the winner is the one that lands on top.

Sadly, the real danger here is the isolation and desire for external validation that arises from this type of thinking. We learn that safety is based on how much stuff we have. The more the better. But there is always more, and the reality is that we can’t have it all. So how much is enough? When can we relax and feel satisfied with what we have? Is it even possible?

Experience the state of Life Is Wonderful

It absolutely is and at WeHeal we call that state Life Is Wonderful. This is a life that still has its ups and downs, sorrows and joys, challenges and wins. What changes is our perception of our experience combined with habits and behaviors that optimize our health and well-being. The “Essence of WeHeal” model has identified the pillars in our lives that have the greatest impact on whether, or not, Life Is Wonderful. Our expert team works with you to identify areas that need additional support, celebrate areas that are already optimized, and provide the tools and skills to help you succeed long-term.

There is no better time than right now to find your Life Is Wonderful. Remember you don’t have to do this alone, the team at WeHeal is here and ready to help.

2023: Your year of wonderful

Does this sound familiar – getting up feeling tired and itching for the coffee that will get you through the morning; barely having time for breakfast before heading off to work, taking the kids to school, or both; spending 8 or more hours at work relying on more coffee, caffeine, or junk food to get us through the day; picking up the kids, walking the dog, or both; making dinner, washing dishes, and preparing for tomorrow; getting ready for bed and going to sleep – only to begin the SAME ROUTINE ALL OVER AGAIN THE NEXT DAY!

If any, or all of it, sounds familiar then no wonder Life Is Wonderful is impossible to imagine. It seems so far-fetched from reality, the gap being just too big. We are exhausted, depleted, and burnt out. The balance is tipped so heavily toward just surviving, there is absolutely no room for thriving. And the worst part is, no matter how much effort we make, we continue traveling down the rabbit hole rather than climbing up.

Daily fight Or flight

Physiologically what happens in this state is we go into a fight or flight response. This is our innate programming to deal with danger or threat. Over time it becomes ongoing stress that at best is uncomfortable and at worst leads to illness and chronic disease. Psychologically we develop a scarcity mentality where the perceived threat is a fear around not having enough. Danger is signaled and our answer is to acquire as much as possible – wealth, status, a bigger house, a better car, etc. The more we have, the safer we feel. In a survival mentality built on scarcity, we pull away from others because resources are limited, the more we have, the less someone else has and vice versa. Competition and comparison ensue, and the winner is the one that lands on top.

Sadly, the real danger here is the isolation and desire for external validation that arises from this type of thinking. We learn that safety is based on how much stuff we have. The more the better. But there is always more, and the reality is that we can’t have it all. So how much is enough? When can we relax and feel satisfied with what we have? Is it even possible?

Experience the state of Life Is Wonderful

It absolutely is and at WeHeal we call that state Life Is Wonderful. This is a life that still has its ups and downs, sorrows and joys, challenges and wins. What changes is our perception of our experience combined with habits and behaviors that optimize our health and well-being. The “Essence of WeHeal” model has identified the pillars in our lives that have the greatest impact on whether, or not, Life Is Wonderful. Our expert team works with you to identify areas that need additional support, celebrate areas that are already optimized, and provide the tools and skills to help you succeed long-term.

There is no better time than right now to find your Life Is Wonderful. Remember you don’t have to do this alone, the team at WeHeal is here and ready to help.